Wednesday, March 12, 2008

In addition to meat, I need to start eating dried fruit and candy only as part of a meal.
And not snack -- only eat three times a day. No more! And brush my teeth after meals, and floss once a day. PROTIP: Milk, cheddar cheese can stop plaque if eaten after plaque-causing sugary foods. Xylitol gum helps too. So do eat milk and cheese. Foods high in fiber. And sugarfree chewing gum.

No More Fucking Potato Chips OH MY GOD

Definitely only eat sugar containing foods with meals. Fresh fruit and fruit juices -- brush teeth afterwards, definitely. Cuz they have fructose, which can cause plaque too. But breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy, lean meat, fish, and poultry are all essential. Brush teeth after every meal and also at bedtime (and floss then too). Play a "favorite" song while brushing yr teeth.
  • Carefully insert the floss between two teeth, using a back and forth motion. Gently bring the floss to the gumline, but don't force it under the gums. Curve the floss around the edge of your tooth in the shape of the letter "C" and slide it up and down the side of each tooth.
  • Repeat this process between all your teeth, and remember to floss the back sides of your back teeth. (UNWAXED)
Take at least a three hour break between foods that contain sugar, for God's sake.

Altoids have sugar.

  • Eat carbohydrates (sugars and starches) with a meal.
  • If you can't brush your teeth after eating, rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash, or chew sugarless gum.
  • Don't eat sugary foods between meals.
  • If you snack, eat nonsugary foods, such as cheese, popcorn, raw veggies, or yogurt.

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