Saturday, May 3, 2008

A cup of Chamomile from Utah w/ Colorado honey, a glass of OJ, and corn chips + Colorado salsa what I have before me as I set down to type.

I'm supposedly fasting from everything but schoolwork for the moment...but that can get incredibly dry. So, to refresh myself, I simply willingly forget what it was I was supposed to be doing, and go along my merry way.

In reference to the foods above, I believe that the salt and vitamin C should help my in my weakness.

I'm finishing up Marilynne Robinson's Gilead, which I absolutely love.

I'm listening to Yawning Man (see Wikipedia), specifically their only released records, and Pot Head and Rock Formations, both downloaded as a torrent. This is desert music, incredibly popular in Europe. An article from the L.A. Weekly a while back had some revealing stuff on them. Basically, they were Kyuss before Kyuss, a stoner/desert/Palm Desert band even more epochal than that later one (and Kyuss were epochal, in the opinion of many they actually revived rock, and were the most vital thing -- perhaps the only vital thing -- going in that world until this whole nu-rave thing came about. An interesting connection, because the whole generator party '80s scene of mushrooms and pot that existed in the desert back then seems intimately connected with the later early '90s rave scene, which I do believe existed. Growing up as late as I did, I was on the shit end of all of that. By the time I was in high school (1999ish) ecstasy was well almost out of vogue (it didn't really hit the fan until 2000 or 2001), and pot and 'shrooms certainly were ... Yep. And then came crystal meth, which of course had been brewing in the L.A. rave scene since 1994 at least when trance first came in. And of course there's the whole moontribe connection. In fact I think that's the tail end (the hippy end ) of the L.A. rave scene that is actually just now coming into full flower and bloom. The whole psychedelic trance thing. It's definitely the only social scene still worth giving a fuck for -- maybe that's why it's popular with Prince William and other members of the English landed aristocracy, or so I hear... Btw, the moontribe album is highly recommended for a taste of what the hell I'm talking about. I believe it came out in 1998. So good.

So where was I? Psychedelic rock turned into ecstatic rave turned into crystal meth deadzone? Sounds about right. Anyway, Yawning Man were a real proto-rave scene in the desert, with links to the Grateful Dead of course naturally but being much more in a heavy metal/Euro-ish sort of thing, sort of like Goa. I suppose that's why the whole desert rock thing is so wildly popular in Europe, especially Yawning Man and Brant Bjork. They play in Italy and Spain, and their music is released only on Spanish labels. Only emo is as popular here. Of course I guess it is metal we're talking about here. Nothing revolutionary, then, just a heartfelt and unique attention to place. So I'm really back on the whole organic/back-to-the-land/neo-Nazi thing that everybody else is so keen to get it on. Well, I never really left. It's going to take a long time to extricate myself from some of these positions ideologically, and if I'm anything like Nietzsche, it will likely all be in vain (but perhaps not in the long run -- witness the almost subdued, renewed sympathy for the man existing in some European philosophe circles today, and even Heidegger -- not because they were right; they weren't -- but they understood what they were getting into and felt it had to be done all the same, an honorable position...) (Actually, I think they were right; that's why they felt they had to do what they had to do -- however, they were dangerous and worse they were not respectable. They were even a little bourgeois. When it comes right down to it, I mean. This is why I think the way of the future lies not with old fogies such as me, Heidegger, or Nietzsche but with radical Islam. Oh yes. Evangelical Christianity and Radical Islam have so much in common, they have to hook up. I can't believe they haven't already -- unless all this fighting is just the global religious equivalent of the boy pulling the girl's hair and throwing mud at her (and to be sure, Islam is the male in this relationship!) before they start dating later on. It shall be interesting to see. There's only one God, after all. Unless you're a heathen, like me. We'll continue to exploit the divisions between the two big religions, usually falling on the side of Islam, until we are forced to walk the plank. I kind of just see it all as a neverending story.)

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