Saturday, April 5, 2008

The American Prospect
Representative states: New England (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont), New York, New Jersey.
Liberal Protestant.
Green Party: green politics, environmentalism. Left wing, more communitarian, pacifist, fair trade, progressive, favor legal abortion/same-sex marraige/universal health-care/drug legalization/gun control, support large government spending, oppose high national debt/capital punishment, more favorable of increased taxation/immigration, strongly oppose Iraq war.
Location: Hearth: Massachusetts. Region: Greater New England.
Language and Literacy: Dialect: Northern. Literacy (m/f): 80%/50%.
Architecture: Materials: Wood frame. Style: saltbox, stretched box.
Family: identity: strong nuclear; cohesion: high; completed size: seven; servants: 0-1.
marriage: ceremony: civil contract, mean age: 26/23, adults, never wed: 2 percent, 6 percent, male dominance: moderate, prenup preg: low, bastardy low, penalty bias even.
Origion of names biblical, bible names 90 percent, descent of names 2 generation nuclear, parent names 60-70 percent, child nurture will-breaking, sending out yes.
Age ideals elder-saint, age ideology veneration, age heaping old-age bias, death ways activist-fatalist, burial customs high austerity.
Congregational, lecture-centered, witchcraft, town schools, strong education, beans and brown bread, baking food, age-dominant eating patterns, moderate class display, sad colors, moderate to low sexual display, town and team games, Puritan work ethic, mixed commercial economic bias, improving the time ethic, fall peak, truncated rank system, moderate deference, town ideals, hamlet realities, roadside house location, low internal migration, grace-centered honor. Town meeting polities, very low violefnce, ordered liberty.
Whig/Progressive. Wet. Blue. Whiggamore = sour milk man. Country Party. Supported great aristocratic families and non-Anglicans, then emerging industrial interests and wealthy merchants.
Woodrow Wilson. Idealist.

The American Conservative
Representative state: Florida.
Evangelical Protestant.
Libertarian Party: libertarian. Individualist, non-interventionist, free trade, favors legal abortion/same-sex marriage/drug legalization/immigration, opposes universal healthcare/high national debt/large government spending/increased taxation/Iraq war/capital punishment/gun control.
Location: hearth: virginia, region: tidewater South.
Language: Southern coastal, 50 percent to 25 percent literacy.
Architecture: wood and brick, hall and parlor.
Family identity: extended, cohesion low, completed size, three, servants 4-5.
Marriage sacred ceremony, 24/18, adults never wed 25/2, high male dominance, prenup preg high, bastardy high, penalty bias against females.
Origion of names Norman/Teuton, bible names 50%, descent of names 3 generation extended, parent names 20-30%, child nurture will-bending, sending out: mixed.
Old age: elder-patriarch, patriarchy, seniority bias, Stoic-fatalist, high ceremony burial customs.
Anglican, liturgy-centered, fortune (magic), parish schools, weak common education, strong higher education, fricasees (dish), roasting and frying cooking bias, rank-dominant eating patterns, high class display, bright colors, moderate to high sexual display, blood sports, leisure ethic, staple farming, killing the time, winter peak, hierarchical rank system, high deference, manorial village ideal, plantation reality, setback house location, moderate internal migration, rank-centered honor, parish and court polity, moderate violence, hegemonic liberty.
Tory/Paleoconservative. Dry. Red. Toraidhe = outlaw. Court Party.
Supported Anglican church and gentry, then landed interests and British Crown.
Thomas Jefferson. Libertarian.

The New Republic

Representative states: Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey.
Evangelical Protestant.
Democratic Party: American liberalism/progressivism, Social liberalism. Center-left, more communitarian, more pacifist, free trade, progressive, favor legal abortion/universal healthcare/increased government spending/increased taxation/immigration/drug legalization, mixed/states' rights on same-sex marriage/capital punishment, oppose high national debt/Iraq war.
Delaware Valley, NJ, Pa, Del, N Md, Midland dialect, 65/33 percent literacy, stone and brick, Quaker plain, moderate nuclear, moderate cohesion, 5 completed size, 2 servants. Meeting and agreement ceremony, 27/24 mean age, 12/16 percent adults never wed, moderate male dominance, very low prenup pregnancy, low bastardy rates, even penalty bias, mixed Biblical names, 70% Bible names, 3 generation Biblical descent of names, 20-30% parents names, will-bracing, no sending out. Elder-teacher, eldering, optimist-fatalist, extreme austerity in burial customs.
Quaker, spirit-centered, spiritualism, meeting schools, strong common education, weak higher education, cream cheese and dry beef, boiling food, communal eating patterns, moderate class display, neutral colors, very low sexual display, useful recreations, pietist work ethic, mixed industrial, redeeming the time, bimodal peaks. Egalitarian, low deference, Farm communities (ideal), farm clusters (reality), corner-clustered houses, high internal migration, holiness-centered honor, commission polity, low violence, reciprocal liberty.
Whig/Centrist. Wet. Blue. Whiggamore = sour milk man. Country Party.
Supported great aristocratic families and non-Anglicans, then emerging industrial interests and wealthy merchants.
Alexander Hamilton. Realist.

The Weekly Standard

Representative state: West Virginia.
Fundamentalist Protestant.
Republican Party: conservatism, fiscal conservatism, economic liberalism, neoconservatism, social conservatism, liberal conservatism. Center-right. More individualist. More militarist. Free trade. Conservative. Oppose legal abortion/same-sex marriage/universal healthcare/drug legalization/gun control/increased taxation/immigration, supports high national debt/large government spending/Iraq war.
Backcountry, southern highlands, earth and log, cabin style, clan and derbfine, moderate cohesion, abduction rituals, 20/19, very high male dominance, very high prenup pregnancy, saints names, 65% Bible names, 3 generation name descent, 20-30% parent names, will-building, sending out mixed, elder-thane, tanistry, nescient-fatalist death ways, folk ritual burial customs.
Religion Presbyterian/etc, field meeting and fellowship, sorcery.
Private schools, weak education, 1-2 years enrolled, clabber and potato dishes, boiling and frying cooking bias, gender-dominant eating patterns. Moderate class display, folk colors, very high sexual display. Field contests, warrior ethic, farming and herding, passing the time, Spring peak. Segmented ranks, mixed deference, .7 to .9 wealth, mixed inheritance.
Hermitage ideal, isolated reality, creek and spring house location, very high internal migration, 25-40% persistence, primal honor.
Court polity, 15-25% voting, high violence, 5.2 crime index, .25 order index, natural liberty.
Tory/Neoconservative. Dry. Red. Toraidhe = outlaw. Court Party.
Supported Anglican Church and gentry, then landed interests and British Crown.
Andrew Jackson. Populist.

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