Sunday, April 27, 2008

Red = 'Piscop. Passion, strength, energy, fire, love, sex, excitement, speed, heat, arrogance, ambition, leadership, masculinity, power, danger, gaudiness, blood, war, anger, revolution, radicalism, socialism, communism, aggression, summer, autumn, stop, Mars, respect, Aries, December, the Roman Catholic Church, martyrs, the Holy Spirit.
Bob Dole (Republican '96), George Wallace (American Independent '68), Barry Goldwater (Republican '64), Byrd (Independent '60), Adlai Stevenson (Democratic '52, '56), Strom Thurmond (States' Rights Democratic '48), Al Smith (Democratic '28), Davis (Democratic '24), Cox (Democratic '20), Parker (Democratic 1904), William Jennings Bryan (Democratic 1896, 1900, 1908), Hancock (Democratic 1880), Breckinridge (Southern Democratic 1860), James Buchanan (Democratic 1856), James K. Polk (Democratic 1844), Andrew Jackson (1824).

Orange = Baptist. Hinduism, Buddhism, happiness energy, balance, heat, fire, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness, aggression, arrogance, gaudiness, overemotion, warning, danger, autumn, desire, Sagittarius, September.
W, Jimmy Carter (Democratic '76), FDR (Democratic '32), Woodrow Wilson (Democratic '16), Cass (Democratic 1848), Andrew Jackson (Democratic 1828, 1832), James Monroe (Democratic-Republican 1816), James Madison (Democratic-Republican 1808, 1812), Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican 1796, 1800, 1804).

Yellow = Baptodysterian. Sunlight, joy, happiness, earth, optimism, intelligence, idealism, wealth (gold), summer, hope, air, liberalism, cowardice, illness (quarantine), hazards, dishonesty, avarice, weakness, greed, femininity, gladness, sociability, friendship, GEmini, Taurus, Leo, April, September, deceit, hazard signs, God (gold). The devil. Courage.
Richard M. Nixon (Republican '60, '68), Harry S Truman (Democratic, '48), Dewey (Republican, '44), Benjamin Harrison (Republican 1888, 1892), Blaine (Republican 1884), Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican 1876), William Henry Harrison (Whig 1836), Henry Clay (1824).

Green = Methodist. Great intelligence, life, nature, bad spirits, spring, fertility, youth, environment, wealth, money, good luck, vigor, generosity, go, grass, agression, inexperience, envy, misfortune, coldness, jealousy, illness, greed, disgrace, life eternal, air, earth (classical element), sincerity, hope, Cancer (bright green), renewal, natural abundance, growth, health, August, balance, harmony, calming, creative intelligence, Islam, the ordinary. The devil.
Bill Clinton (Democratic '92, '96), LBJ (Democratic '64), Dwight David Eisenhower (Republican '52, '56), Herbert Hoover (Democratic 1928), Calvin Coolidge (Republican '24), Warren G. Harding (Republican '20), William Taft (Republican 1908), Teddy Roosevelt (Republican 1904), William McKinley (Republican 1896, 1900), Garfield (Republican 1880), Ulysses S Grant (Republican 1868), Abraham Lincoln (Republican 1860, 1864), Fremont (Republican 1856), Henry Clay (Whig 1844).

Blue = Unitarian & Congregationalist. Seas, men, productive, skies, peace, unity, harmony, tranquility, calmness,coolness, confidence, conservatism, water, ice, loyalty, dependability, cleanliness, technology, winter, depression, coldness, idealism, obscenity, tackiness, air, wisdom, royalty, nobility, Earth, Virgo light blue), Pisces (pale blue), Aquarius (dark blue), strength, steadfastness, light, friendliness, July (sky), February (deep), peace, mourning , truthfulness, love, sadness, aloofness, the Virgin Mary, keeps bad spirits away.
John Kerry (Democratic 2004), Al Gore (Democratic 2000), Gerald Ford (Republican '76), Hubert Humphrey (Democratic '68), JFK (Democratic '60), Dewey (Republican '48), Herbert Hoover (Republican '32), Charles Evans Hughes (Republican '16), Taylor (Whig 1848), Henry Clay (National Republican 1832), John Quincy Adams (1824, National Republican 1828), Rufus King (Federalist 1816), De Witt Clinton (1812), Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (Federalist 1804, 1808), John Adams (Federalist 1796, 1800).

Purple = Unitarian & Congregtionalist & 'Piscop. Envy, sensuality, bisexuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, ceremony, mystery, wisdom, homosexuality, pride, Scorpio (violet), May, November, riches, romanticism (light purple), delicacy (light purple), penance.
George Herbert Walker Bush (Republican '88, '92), Reagan (Republican '80, '84), Richard M. Nixon (Republican '72), FDR (Democratic '36, '40, '44; not popular with Baptodysterians in '44), Woodrow Wilson (Democratic 1912), Grover Cleveland (Democratic 1884, 1888, 1892; not popular with Baptodysterians), Tilden (Democratic 1876; not popular with Baptodysterians), Ulysses S Grant (Republican 1872), Franklin Pierce (Democratic 1852), William Henry Harrison (Whig 1840), Martin Van Buren (Democratic 1836; not popular with Baptodysterians), James Monroe (Democratic-Republican 1820), George Washington (1789, 1792).

Friday, April 18, 2008


Peaceful Heart Sangha. Sundays 4-6 pm, leave at 3:13 pm. Go west from house on right side of Kirkwood to Lemay; take a right on Lemay, staying in the bike lane until you hit Stuart. Take a left on Stuart, into the right hand bike lane. Go west on Stuart until you hit Remington; take a right turn on Remington (staying in the bike lane), going north until Laurel. Take a left turn on Laurel (into the right hand bike lane), going west. At Armstrong, take a left into the west side parking lot. Park. Look for the entrance on the WEST side of the Lory North Apartments. The lounge is on the garden level, so if there is no one waiting at the door just knock on the garden level windows to the right of the door.

On the way back, go right on Laurel, staying in the bike lane, take a right on Loomis or Meridian, going south onto the designated bike lane (STAYING RIGHT). Take a left on the multiuse path onto the right hand side, then go straight when the next left appears. Keep going straight through the next intersection, and stay on the multiuse path until you get to Center Ave. Go straight, south, till you hit the Spring Creek Trail on your left (right hand side). Take that till you hit Stuart going east on your right. Stay in the bike lane on Stuart back the way you came -- taking a right hand turn onto Lemay, staying in the bike lane, and then taking a left at Kirkwood onto the right hand side of the street to your house.

Study agriculture -- animal science. If anything.

Eat to live, do not live to eat. That's like a man, but this below a beast.
Have wholesome but not costly food.
If thou rise with an appetite, thou are sure never to sit down without one.
The proverb says that "enough is as good as a feast." but it is certainly better . . .
The luxurious eater and drinker who is taken up with an excessive care of his palate and belly. . . . so full is he fed that he can scarce find out a stomach . . .
Rarely drink but when thou art dry; nor then, between meals, if it can be avoided.
The smaller the drink, the clearer the head and the cooler the blood, which are great benefits in temper and business.
Strong liquors are good at some times and in small proportions, being better for physic than food, for cordials than common use (herbsaint is best).
All excess is ill, but drunkenness is the worst sort: it spoils health, dismounts the mind, and unmans men; it reveals secrets, is quarrelsome, lascivious, impudent, dangerous, and mad. In fine, he that is drunk is not a man, because he is so long void of reason, that distinguishes a man from a beast.
It is a cruel folly to offer up to ostentation so many lives of creatures . . . as it is a prodigal one to spend more in sauce than in meat.
The most common things are the most useful, which shows both the wisdom and goodness of the great Lord . . .
What therefore he has made rare, don't thou use too commonly, lest thou shouldst invert the use and order of things . . .

Quakers refused to touch foods that were tainted by social evil . . . many practiced some small act of symbolic sacrifice.
The Quaker prefers to boil his food (cooking pot rather than the oven).
Boiled breakfast, boiled dinner. "In the country, morning and even repasts were generally made of milk, having bread boiled therein, or else thickened with pop-robbins--things made up of flour and eggs into a batter, and so dropped in the boiling milk" Popovers, served at breakfast or tea or with meats and lunch and dinner
Boiled dumplings and puddings. Apple dumplings were a daily dish.
When I am parasite-free: daily I will eat Popovers and dumplings of any kind -- homemade or otherwise apple dumplings (for breakfast and dessert, with ice cream). I will also eat puddings of any kind - Hunt's Snack Packs - puddings [CHOCOLATE PUDDING, Butterscotch, Vanilla] Jell-O chocolate pudding, Jell-O tapioca pudding, Philadelphia cream cheese spread on bread/bagels/crackers, homemade or otherwise apple cheese, homemade or otherwise lemon curd (w/scones, muffins, short breads)/lemon meringue pie, dried beef (often spread on dumplings and puddings).

Full Shopping List:
1. popovers: flour, eggs, milk
2. apple dumplings: four tart (such as Granny Smith) apples, raisins, dark rum, flour, Crisco, brown sugar
3. ice cream
4. Hunt's Snack Packs - 1. Chocolate Pudding, 2. Butterscotch Pudding, 3. Vanilla Pudding.
5. Jell-O Chocolate Pudding & Tapioca Pudding.
6. Philadelphia Cream Cheese [if needed]
- bread, bagels, crackers
8. lemon curd: three lemons, lemon juice, sugar, eggs, butter
- scones, shortbreads, muffins
9. dried beef.
10. Herbsaint.
Principally, flour, eggs, milk, Granny Smith apples, raisins, dark rum, Crisco, brown sugar, ice cream, Hunt's Chocolate Pudding, Hunt's Butterscotch Pudding, Hunt's Vanilla Pudding, Jell-O Chocolate Pudding, Jell-O Tapioca Pudding, Philadelphia cream cheese, bagels, lemons, lemon juice, butter, muffins, dried beef, Herbsaint.

Other stuff: pizza, hot dogs, beans, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, sausage, cheese.

Simple trousers of broad cut/wide. Large leather aprons. Gray. Only 2 types of dress for men, all year [one for meditation, one for work]. Very plain, simple. Dyes discouraged. Neatness, cleanliness encouraged.

No needless games, ball games, public diversions, prizes/stage plays/cards/dice/may games/masques/revels/bull-baitings/cock-fightings/bear-baitings/etc, blood sports, horse racing, other races. Encouraged swimming, bathing, ice-skating; allowed hunting and fishing for subsistence, most characteristic form of recreation was gardening. Penn: "The best recreation is to do good." Play was work,

and work was worship. worldly asceticism -- commercial and industrial activity. coopers, smths, blacksmiths, bricklayers, wheelwrights, plowrights, millwrights, ship carpenters, iron-houses, cloth workers. etc You already know how to be a Quaker, since you are one.

Rule no. 1 -- you know what it is.
[For parasties and constipation] Glass of water -- upon waking in the morning, at 9am, at 12pm, at 3pm, at 6pm, and before bedtime.
[Do not shave, cut hair.]

when windows are open (Apr 15 to Oct 15, say) you can open them from after dinner, but you must shut them upon getting up.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

1. Philadelphia:
Bryn Mawr.
Northeast Harbor.
New Haven.

2. New York:
Fishers Island.
New Haven.

3. Boston:

CLOTHES FOR THESE FOLKS: Brooks Brothers, J. Press.

1. William & Mary.
2. Penn.
3. Princeton.
4. Rutgers.
5. Columbia.
6. Yale.
7. Brown.
8. Harvard.
9. Dartmouth.

1. San Antonio de Bejar, Tejas (Spain).
2. la Nouvelle Orleans, la Louisiane (France).
3. Charlestown, Province of Carolina (England).
4. Philadelphia, Colony of Pennsylvania (England).
5. Nieuw-Amsterdam, Nieuw-Nederland (Netherlands).

(I've recently discovered it's the South that matters most in concepts of Toriness -- the further South you go, the Torier it gets. East too, though; for a second consideration.)

I also ate today bologna, bread with butter, gumbo canned soup, and applesauce.

I am v. confused right now. Military service is Tory, I guess. Or maybe it all depends on the battle. I thought that the Federalists were Tories; perhaps they weren't. Perhaps the Democratic-Republicans were the Tory party? So confused. Hamilton? Crowninshield? Landed? No?

I want to see how Texas voted (before Texas, Louisiana; before Louisiana, South Carolina). This would be the ultimate Tory list of votes.
How Delaware Voted:
1796 - Federalist, Adams (over Jefferson)
1800 - Federalist, Adams (over Jefferson)
1804 - Federalist, Pinckney (over Jefferson)
1808 - Federalist, Pinckney (over Madison)
1812 - Federalist, De Witt Clinton (over Madison)
1816 - Federalist, King (over Monroe)
1824 - Quincy Adams (over Jackson)
1828 - National Republican, Quincy Adams (over Jackson)
1832 - National Republican, Clay (over Jackson)
1836 - Whig, William Harrison (over Van Buren)
1840 - Whig, William Harrison (over Van Buren)
1844 - Whig, Clay (over Polk)
1848 - Whig, Taylor (over Cass)
1852 - Democrat, Pierce (over Scott)
1856 - Democrat, Buchahan (over Fremont)
1860 - Southern Democrat, Breckinridge (over Lincoln)
1864 - Democrat, McClellan (over Lincoln)
1868 - Democrat, Seymour (over Grant)
1872 - Republican, Grant (over Greeley)
1876 - Democrat, Tilden (over Hayes)
1880 - Democrat, Hancock (over Garfield)
1884 - Democrat, Cleveland (over Blaine)
1888 - Democrat, Cleveland (over Benjamin Harrison)
1892 - Democrat, Cleveland (over Benjamin Harrison)
1896 - Republican, McKinley (over Bryan)
1900 - Republican, McKinley (over Bryan)
1904 - Republican, Theodore Roosevelt (over Parker)
1908 - Republican, Taft (over Bryan)
1912 - Democrat, Wilson (over Theodore Roosevelt)
1916 - Republican, Hughes (over Wilson)
1920 - Republican, Harding (over Cox)
1924 - Republican, Coolidge (over Davis)
1928 - Republican, Hoover (over Smith)
1932 - Republican, Hoover (over Franklin Roosevelt)
1936 - Democrat, Franklin Roosevelt (over Landon)
1940 - Democrat, Franklin Roosevelt (over Willkie)
1944 - Democrat, Franklin Roosevelt (over Dewey)
1948 - Democrat, Dewey (over Truman)*
1952 - Republican, Eisenhower (over Stevenson)
1956 - Republican, Eisenhower (over Stevenson)
1960 - Democrat, Kennedy (over Nixon)
1964 - Democrat, Johnson (over Goldwater)
1968 - Republican, Nixon (over Humphrey)
1972 - Republican, Nixon (over McGovern)
1976 - Democrat, Carter (over Ford)
1980 - Republican, Reagan (over Carter)
1984 - Republican, Reagan (over Mondale)
1988 - Republican, Herbert Walker Bush (over Dukakis)
1992 - Democrat, Clinton (over Herbert Walker Bush)
1996 - Democrat, Clinton (over Herbert Walker Bush)
2000 - Democrat, Gore (over Walker Bush)
2004 - Democrat, Kerry (over Walker Bush)

* Northern (Rockefeller Republican) suburbs supported Truman, though.

I think De La Warr strikes a good balance.
Day 2 of sugar-free diet. Today I've eaten cheese and "pita chips." Pita chips were kind of gross, though. Not so bad. I feel good, though I'm noticing some coldness in my extremities (particularly after eating the cheese). It possibly comes from diabeetus or some variation thereof. At any rate, my blood isn't getting out to the extremities. Of course, I don't ever exercise. But for the moment I'm sticking to this no-sugar thing, it feels pretty good. Last night I had the same thing, cheese, pita chips, but also a box of raisins. Right now I might go get some dried fruit for the sake of relieving boredom.
The American Prospect
Representative states: New England (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont), New York, New Jersey.
Liberal Protestant.
Green Party: green politics, environmentalism. Left wing, more communitarian, pacifist, fair trade, progressive, favor legal abortion/same-sex marraige/universal health-care/drug legalization/gun control, support large government spending, oppose high national debt/capital punishment, more favorable of increased taxation/immigration, strongly oppose Iraq war.
Location: Hearth: Massachusetts. Region: Greater New England.
Language and Literacy: Dialect: Northern. Literacy (m/f): 80%/50%.
Architecture: Materials: Wood frame. Style: saltbox, stretched box.
Family: identity: strong nuclear; cohesion: high; completed size: seven; servants: 0-1.
marriage: ceremony: civil contract, mean age: 26/23, adults, never wed: 2 percent, 6 percent, male dominance: moderate, prenup preg: low, bastardy low, penalty bias even.
Origion of names biblical, bible names 90 percent, descent of names 2 generation nuclear, parent names 60-70 percent, child nurture will-breaking, sending out yes.
Age ideals elder-saint, age ideology veneration, age heaping old-age bias, death ways activist-fatalist, burial customs high austerity.
Congregational, lecture-centered, witchcraft, town schools, strong education, beans and brown bread, baking food, age-dominant eating patterns, moderate class display, sad colors, moderate to low sexual display, town and team games, Puritan work ethic, mixed commercial economic bias, improving the time ethic, fall peak, truncated rank system, moderate deference, town ideals, hamlet realities, roadside house location, low internal migration, grace-centered honor. Town meeting polities, very low violefnce, ordered liberty.
Whig/Progressive. Wet. Blue. Whiggamore = sour milk man. Country Party. Supported great aristocratic families and non-Anglicans, then emerging industrial interests and wealthy merchants.
Woodrow Wilson. Idealist.

The American Conservative
Representative state: Florida.
Evangelical Protestant.
Libertarian Party: libertarian. Individualist, non-interventionist, free trade, favors legal abortion/same-sex marriage/drug legalization/immigration, opposes universal healthcare/high national debt/large government spending/increased taxation/Iraq war/capital punishment/gun control.
Location: hearth: virginia, region: tidewater South.
Language: Southern coastal, 50 percent to 25 percent literacy.
Architecture: wood and brick, hall and parlor.
Family identity: extended, cohesion low, completed size, three, servants 4-5.
Marriage sacred ceremony, 24/18, adults never wed 25/2, high male dominance, prenup preg high, bastardy high, penalty bias against females.
Origion of names Norman/Teuton, bible names 50%, descent of names 3 generation extended, parent names 20-30%, child nurture will-bending, sending out: mixed.
Old age: elder-patriarch, patriarchy, seniority bias, Stoic-fatalist, high ceremony burial customs.
Anglican, liturgy-centered, fortune (magic), parish schools, weak common education, strong higher education, fricasees (dish), roasting and frying cooking bias, rank-dominant eating patterns, high class display, bright colors, moderate to high sexual display, blood sports, leisure ethic, staple farming, killing the time, winter peak, hierarchical rank system, high deference, manorial village ideal, plantation reality, setback house location, moderate internal migration, rank-centered honor, parish and court polity, moderate violence, hegemonic liberty.
Tory/Paleoconservative. Dry. Red. Toraidhe = outlaw. Court Party.
Supported Anglican church and gentry, then landed interests and British Crown.
Thomas Jefferson. Libertarian.

The New Republic

Representative states: Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey.
Evangelical Protestant.
Democratic Party: American liberalism/progressivism, Social liberalism. Center-left, more communitarian, more pacifist, free trade, progressive, favor legal abortion/universal healthcare/increased government spending/increased taxation/immigration/drug legalization, mixed/states' rights on same-sex marriage/capital punishment, oppose high national debt/Iraq war.
Delaware Valley, NJ, Pa, Del, N Md, Midland dialect, 65/33 percent literacy, stone and brick, Quaker plain, moderate nuclear, moderate cohesion, 5 completed size, 2 servants. Meeting and agreement ceremony, 27/24 mean age, 12/16 percent adults never wed, moderate male dominance, very low prenup pregnancy, low bastardy rates, even penalty bias, mixed Biblical names, 70% Bible names, 3 generation Biblical descent of names, 20-30% parents names, will-bracing, no sending out. Elder-teacher, eldering, optimist-fatalist, extreme austerity in burial customs.
Quaker, spirit-centered, spiritualism, meeting schools, strong common education, weak higher education, cream cheese and dry beef, boiling food, communal eating patterns, moderate class display, neutral colors, very low sexual display, useful recreations, pietist work ethic, mixed industrial, redeeming the time, bimodal peaks. Egalitarian, low deference, Farm communities (ideal), farm clusters (reality), corner-clustered houses, high internal migration, holiness-centered honor, commission polity, low violence, reciprocal liberty.
Whig/Centrist. Wet. Blue. Whiggamore = sour milk man. Country Party.
Supported great aristocratic families and non-Anglicans, then emerging industrial interests and wealthy merchants.
Alexander Hamilton. Realist.

The Weekly Standard

Representative state: West Virginia.
Fundamentalist Protestant.
Republican Party: conservatism, fiscal conservatism, economic liberalism, neoconservatism, social conservatism, liberal conservatism. Center-right. More individualist. More militarist. Free trade. Conservative. Oppose legal abortion/same-sex marriage/universal healthcare/drug legalization/gun control/increased taxation/immigration, supports high national debt/large government spending/Iraq war.
Backcountry, southern highlands, earth and log, cabin style, clan and derbfine, moderate cohesion, abduction rituals, 20/19, very high male dominance, very high prenup pregnancy, saints names, 65% Bible names, 3 generation name descent, 20-30% parent names, will-building, sending out mixed, elder-thane, tanistry, nescient-fatalist death ways, folk ritual burial customs.
Religion Presbyterian/etc, field meeting and fellowship, sorcery.
Private schools, weak education, 1-2 years enrolled, clabber and potato dishes, boiling and frying cooking bias, gender-dominant eating patterns. Moderate class display, folk colors, very high sexual display. Field contests, warrior ethic, farming and herding, passing the time, Spring peak. Segmented ranks, mixed deference, .7 to .9 wealth, mixed inheritance.
Hermitage ideal, isolated reality, creek and spring house location, very high internal migration, 25-40% persistence, primal honor.
Court polity, 15-25% voting, high violence, 5.2 crime index, .25 order index, natural liberty.
Tory/Neoconservative. Dry. Red. Toraidhe = outlaw. Court Party.
Supported Anglican Church and gentry, then landed interests and British Crown.
Andrew Jackson. Populist.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Schoolwork for the weekend:
Start in the morning, finish in the morning, man.

- Just a few things, praise be to G-d.
Start in the evening, finish in the evening!
Another thing I'd really like to do (though I doubt I'll get the chance) is go to the (Religious Society of) Friends meeting.
Boy, I am a really bad person. Jeez.

Anyway... I am now announcing my intention to avoid sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, just 'cause I can! That means, if it has it on the label, I'm avoiding it. Otherwise, what can I do? I have to have laws; this will be one of them. It's not as important as abstincence, which is definitely my no. 1 (I'll spare you the details), but being sugar-free will be my no. 2.

Other even slighter rules, well, forget about them, they barely matter at all. But I do intend on watching at least a few TV shows (Maury, CSI, House, Futurama, The Daily Show & The Colbert Report) and also on doing my daily prayers according to Universalis (and also, potentially, fasting for Lent).

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tories and Whigs.

Barack Obama is a Tory, and the equivalent (historically speaking) to Franklin Roosevelt, and Lincoln. Yes, babes, this guy is going to be one of the biggies.

King Obama for President, please.

You can even think of this as a way of going back to the decentralized tribal ways of our ancestors, which so many psychedelic prophets like Terence McKenna have claimed as due for the Aquarian Era/2012 blah blah blah.

Because Obama is from a tribe in Africa (through his father, indirectly), the heartland of humanity specifically (closer to Tanzania, Kenya, where The Lion King was set). He's a goddamned tribal chieftain for the United States (and I wish I could say, by extension all humanity, but that isn't true -- that right is reserved for the United Nations' secretary-general, and they already got in on that African chieftain business with Kofi Anaan. In fact they've already moved on, logically - to me anyway - to a Korean mandarin. It's all in Hegel. We're developing a base for the future. In case you're wondering, I'm completely insane. But disregard that and keep reading if you want to, it's O.K.). So, the U.S. is definitely behind the times here, with our African chieftain (of course, but the U.N. is powerless, meaningless, and not for serious, so they're only setting an example -- and besides, they won't be around much longer anyway, not with the EU taking their place. But let us still note that it is the U.S. that has the real power. I was just reading Walter Russell Mead, and I thank him for figuring stuff out for me, and I borrow his borrowed idea of Europe as scorpions in a jar -- pay them no mind, their days are over) . But Americans care about our history, so it's exciting to know that he's going to be a true king, and a truly global one at that -- not just a member of the Anglican gentry (Washington), or a butternut Irishman (Lincoln), or an aristocratic Dutchman (FDR), but a Hawaii-born Kenyan "chieftain" of half-Midwestern (Kansas) parentage, educated and raised partly in Malaysia and at Hawaiian aboriginal but New England Congregationalist (the sect he belongs to, BTW)-founded prep school and then further educated at: wow, Occidental College, the Presbyterian lib arts school in Eagle Rock for the Southern California (opposite of Northeast) Spanish-influenced Scotch-Irish ascendancy (but note he still has trouble with Hispanics but maybe not for long -- we see Pasadena-and-Milton-Academy Hispanic preppy Bill Richardson, gov'r of New Mexico, turning towards him, though which Mexicans give a fuck about what he has to think are none that I can imagine) and then went to Harvard, which is, unlike the more Whiggish Yale, a citadel of Toryism (Oxford is to Cambridge as Harvard is to Yale). Incidentally, that's why a man should go to Yale, I suppose, to make it in business. But then to go to Chicago, rather than New York -- what genius. Chicago is at this point more connected to the outside world than the Northeast. Think of University of Chicago and Pitchfork -- not to mention Austin, TX. The heartland's where it's at, if you're upper class. Oh, gosh, not to mention the latest development in soft power -- Western Pennsylvania's Black Moth Super Rainbow, on a Chicago wigger label (and Ohio's noisecore or whatever).\\

So, you can see that everything fits!

- George Washington of Virginia
- Abraham Lincoln of the Frontier
- Franklin Roosevelt of New York, Groton and Harvard, and the Navy
- Barack Obama of Hawai'i, L.A., and Chicago (and Harvard Law)

He's the gifted public school (magnet school) kid, at least on the West Coast. Oh, I forgot to mention -- the supposed madrassa he went to, in Malaysia? It's actually Malaysia's N0. 1 prep school, founded by & for the children of the Dutch colonial elite!