Friday, February 29, 2008

"Heidegger is the only Western Philosopher who not only intellectually understands but has intuitively grasped Taoist thought." - Chang Chung-Yuan (tho' I have no idea who that is and am thoroughly Western and even Christian, or monotheistic/Abrahamic/Ibrahimic in outlook myself///which is maybe Semitic as well, insofar as Semite contrasts with Indo-European and I think it does though I'm not sure how maybe it's agriculturalist vs pastoralist [an idea I got from 'shroom-and-tumor-head Terence McKenna, don't get me wrong] but more aptly (And this then fitting in the Main Line of my thinking) it's the outlook of the Slaved versus the Slave[drive]r, the Peasant vs the Lord. I am an eternal Peasant.)

Some thoughts on going beyond Nietzsche:
1. embrace Kierkegaard. (and by extension, existention--

(The parable of Nietzsche's life scares me, and reminds me how I'm inexorably headed for darkness and hell. None of which bothers me, ultimately, as much as it should bother you!)

To elaborate on concept above (Peasant vs Lord):
Peasant faiths-- Sh'ia, Mandean, Yazdi, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, animist

Lord-- Sunni, Muslim, Jewish, Christian. wow three faiths, exciting. (I guess this is like Nietzsche's evocation of Christianity as "slave morality" except with sociological exactness -- only lords need to go to a church to learn about slave morality.)

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