Friday, September 7, 2007

bear with me...

ok. so i've been thinking, whether i want to be:
- an anarchist / theological liberal or unitarian-leaning, or someone motivated by their lifestyle to turn it into a religion (in other words, the traditional Germanic pagan viewpoint) or
- a paleoconservative / theological paleo or catholic/calvinist-leaning, or someone motivated by their religion to turn it into a lifestyle...

well. hmm...i want to stay a Methodist, that's all i'm sure of. aside from that, even my political leanings are in doubt, in fact that's what i feel so open-ended about (should i be an Anarchist or a Paleo?). tough question, but since i'm sure about my religion, i think i'll stick with it. anarchists aren't particularly religious, even though some may belong to some of the more outre groups. but a true anarchist wouldn't be caught dead at church on Sunday, now would he? (or perhaps i should say she.)

so, if the one thing in my life that i'm sure about is my religion, where do i go from there? do i lean conservative, or liberal?

it might help to see how this whole mess started:
1. raised atheist
2. converted early on to libertarianism (politically) and philosophical taoism
3. wanted to become episcopalian for the social status (politically neoliberal, i.e. The New Republic)
4. drawn to a more traditional expression of philosophical taoism, i.e., Zen Buddhism
5. followed Buddhism to Hinduism and eventually Islam
6. came back around to Christianity, and (paleo)libertarianism. moved swiftly from Catholic, to Baptist, to Methodist.

well, yes, it's clear to me intuitively, though it may not be to you. in order to come full circle i need to be uncompromisingly conservative theologically and of course politically. i am in search of my roots, i am conservative therefore. politics is, what, epistemologically different from religion?

well, it seems good for now. let's leave it at that.

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